The Daily Nose Breathing Walk

Walking with the Mouth Closed Exercise

This is a great way to supplement your daily Buteyko breathing practice. Walking while nasal breathing increases uptake of nitric oxide and elevates levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, both of which bring a range of benefits. These include reduction of asthma symptoms, improved oxygen delivery to the brain, and calming effects on the mind and nervous system. The daily nasal breathing walk also contributes up to 30 minutes of your daily 60 minute Buteyko requirement so is a time efficient way to practice.


  1. Begin walking with your mouth closed.

  2. Bring an upright quality into your posture, as if a piece of thread were attached to the top of your head, gently lifting your upper body upwards.

  3. Look ahead rather than down, and let your gaze be soft and open.

  4. Bring a gentle smile to your face, and let the tongue come to rest in the roof of your mouth.

  5. Let your breathing be soft, gentle and quiet.

  6. If you start to feel out of breath or if the air hunger feels strong, then slow down your pace and avoid hills to begin with. If a slower pace is still challenging, then trying walking on the spot initially.

  7. As you walk, gently scan your body for any areas of tension and invite them to relax. Slowly, taking your time, allowing your jaw, neck, shoulders, arms and hands, belly, pelvic floor, legs and feet to relax.

  8. Continue walking, occasionally checking in with your posture and breathing for 20–60 minutes.

Additional Options:

If you feel comfortable walking with your mouth closed, and there is no air hunger then you can practice either of the following while walking:

  1. Walking with Breath Holds.

  2. Breathe Light Exercises while walking. Bear in mind that the intensity of these exercises will be stronger during physical exercise.

Tips for Breathing and Walking

  • Ensure that your mouth is closed while walking. This means no talking or eating while walking.

  • If your nose is congested, use the Buteyko nose unblocking exercise before your walk to avoid creating tension in the neck and jaw.

  • Ideally leave your phone at home or put it on do not disturb. Walking while using your phone negatively impacts your posture which has a knock-on effect on breathing. Most people also tend to over-breathe while using technology so avoid using your devices during the exercises and minimise technology use in your life where possible.

  • If you have no air hunger and your control pause is above 15 seconds, then you can walk faster or add some hilly terrain into your walk.

  • Enjoy your walk, smile and take in your surroundings as you go.

Neil Tranter

Neil is a leading Breathing Coach and Certified Buteyko Breathing Instructor who works with clients from all over the world to help them transform their health through breathing techniques and lifestyle changes. Drawing from his own experiences with anxiety and burnout, Neil offers deep understanding and empathy in his approach to help others improve their well-being. If you are struggling with your health or breathing, learn more about working with Neil on the one-to-one page.


Walking with Breath Holds


How to Breathe Light - The Complete Guide to Reduced Breathing